

This simple and intuitive search feature allows you to quickly search our comprehensive database by vehicle Make, Model, and Year to see all compatible keys, remotes, transponder chips, test keys, programming information, and more!


Managing inventory can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be. We have developed innovative ways to help you add, track, update and manage your inventory, so you always know what you have and when you need to restock.

Estimate & Invoice

This tool allows you to quickly build an estimate for your customers that includes all information necessary to finish the job and follow up. Then it will transform the data into a personalized invoice for your customer with a single click. Take your business to the next level with professional and customizable estimates and invoices.

Location Management

Do you have multiple sites or locations (office, storefront, warehouse, service vans) to manage and keep track of? With our location management tool, you can add multiple locations as see what inventory you have at each location at any time. Know when you need to restock a van, or what technician has the correct parts for a job before being dispatched.

Customer Management

Provide the next level of service for your customers by saving their information such as estimates, invoices, special orders, key data, and more. Track open balances and stay on top of your accounts receivable. Best of all you can maintain a complete customer list for feature marketing opportunities.

Users & Role

The Users & Roles system is completely customizable, giving you broad management capabilities. While you have full access to the software, your employees are granted access to whichever parts you choose. You can even completely pause, and resume use for a specific employee as needed with the click of a button. It’s a stress-free way to keep control of your management system.


It is always helpful to have reports that give you insights into your business. Check and see what you did in sales last week? Who is your highest performing technician? How much do you owe in sales tax? What product categories are the most profitable? Our reports will give you more insight into your business.

Sync With Quickbook

Interested in more accounting abilities? Locksmith Drive has created a feature that allows users to sync important data from Locksmith Drive to QuickBooks Online. After connecting the two applications you can sync customers, estimates, invoices, and inventory items and quantities.

Mobile Responsive

On the go? No problem. Locksmith Drive can be taken anywhere on any device with internet connection. Our software is flexible and easy to use on your office computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

Programming and Troubleshooting

We are currently developing new functionality and adding more resources to make Locksmith Drive the very best software application for locksmiths anywhere. Keep in touch for new features being released soon!

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